workshop 12-13




Workshop 12, 27/5 12:45-14:00

C. van Vliet : N. Van Ooijen, C. Dekker and M. Quist – The Netherlands – The Banjaard


C. v. Vliet, child- and adolescent psychiatrist

N. van Ooijen, at home therapist

C. Dekker, play therapist

M. Quist, psychiatric nurse


IAT an Intensive Ambulant Team


IAT an Intensive Ambulant Team

"working in at home situations with Non Violent Resistance challenges in Intellectual Disability"


The Banjaard is a multidisciplinary clinic for children and adolescents between 0 and 19 years old with a psychiatric disorder and Intellectual Disability.

In our outpatient clinic we have established a special team: “Intensive Ambulant Team” (IAT). The added value of this team is that we work with families by daily contact with parents and young people to repair their relationship, to help them cope with different escalations and support them by resisting the problem behavior. We do this at different places (at home, at school, at the Banjaard).

In this workshop we tell you about how NVR is adapted to the intellectual disabled population and the IAT program. Practical implications will be presented, we will take you on a journey through the interventions by assignments, videos and case reports.




Workshop 13, 27/5 14:30-15:30

Zohar Lotringer, Tel-Aviv university, Israel.


Non-Violent Resistance Workshop – Parental Vigilant care among Juvenile delinquents


The proposed Non-Violent Resistance workshop will elaborate on a project conducted in collaboration with the Israeli Juvenile Probation Service, which is affiliated to the Israeli welfare ministry.


"Vigilant Care" is a central concept by Prof. Haim Omer, drawn from the NVR approach. The concept emphasizes a graded parental attitude taken according to the danger signals the parents detect from their child, from open attention, through focused attention, to active protection.


Our project, which will be presented in the workshop, offers a way to implement prof. Omer's vigilant care model, while modifying it to parents of juvenile delinquents. A detailed therapeutic manual was developed, describing a 12 session's group intervention for the designated population. Our main intention, as of our collaborators' in the probation service, is to implement the aforementioned intervention for parents of young delinquents throughout Israel.


Our project's theoretical framework will also be presented in the workshop, including Prof. Omer's "Parental Anchoring" concept. This concept is drawn from the attachment theory, while adding essential elements of parental authority. The pilot study we have conducted, which showed very promising results, will also be presented.


Emphasis will be placed on the treatment manual and the basic NVR principles and strategies that we teach and exercise with parents. For example: the three levels of parental Vigilant Care, the detection of risk signals from the child, reduction of escalation, enhancement of self-control and broadening the parent's support system. Those would be illustrated through clinical examples and active role paying, aimed to enable an understanding of "how we do NVR".



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